Our mission to teach Emotional Literacy has taken us all over the world - we want to highlight the organizations listed here for their support, for joining us on that journey, and for opening their doors to our workshops!
"This work inspired me to make a difference and help change the world, to be a part of the solution instead of the problem."
— Fatso Fasano, AIM 4 the Heart Participant (2002)
"Aim4theHeart taught me the importance of understanding how to process my emotions in a healthy way."
— Sam Lee
“I was taught how to be more self aware and understand how to read a room through a HeArt Session. I will never forget the experience."
— Daisy Hernandez
"I really appreciated the way emotions and a message can be expressed through a song and help give me understanding of a situation I might not be able to experience myself"
-Matthew Monroe
"Attending a Mic Sessions challenged my critical thinking and made me think more deeply on issues."
-Brandon Serrano
"I was able to understand the importance of community through aim4theheart."
-Mike Granger